Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Four Fill In

Today is Friday and it is my only day off work this week.  I have been trying to catch up on laundry and get some baking and cleaning done, but Persephone has different ideas.  She wants to sit in my lap all day and not sleep.  I figured that I had so much fun hopping around for Friday Four Fill In last week at Feeling Beachy, and that I am chained to a chair with the baby, that I would go for it again.  So hop on over, check it out, and let me see your answers!
Feeling Beachie

The statements:
  1. The beach is _____
  2. Smartphones are ____
  3. I like to ____
  4. My dream ______________ would be _____________

1. The beach is no where near me.  Unless you count the few bodies of water with a "beach" where the teenagers get drunk, have sex, and leave the garbage from those activities on the beach.

2. Smartphones are turning people into zombies.

3. I like to be crafty.  I am currently working on a mermaid doll and a crafty Harry Potter swap package.

4. My dream job would be researching and implementing ways to save our planet.  I really want to focus on the soil and how to grow organic foods while nourishing the earth  -- on a LARGE scale.  That is if I ever finish school.

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  1. i babysat my grandson the other day. I put him an inside stroller and walked around the house. He fell asleep for over an hour.

  2. That is really to bad about people destroying beach areas. We just had an article in our local paper about just such a thing and I couldn't believe grown adults would act that way.
    #2 is sadly true.
    You have great goals for #4, I hope you accomplish them.

  3. I like your dream job. :)

    Smartphones are good but bad. I like how we can keep in touch using them,

    ENJOY your weekend,

    Silver's Reviews
    My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

  4. oh ggggrrrrrr - we have one beach in our town that is the "teen zone". I used to walk along the path in the park that led up to it with my kids, but now I avoid it because of the stuff (garbage) left behind. what a disgrace -- if I ever catch one of them!!
    I'm always amazed at what some people will do on their phones - like my husband will watch Netflix on that tiny screen and I am just like -- how?

  5. Gross! It is so sad how people destroy nature!
